Booking Terms & Conditions

The HIRER is, or has delegated the individual named as The Responsible Person above to be, responsible for the booking, for the observance of the terms of the Premises Licence, and for the proper conduct of the Event.

The Responsible Person will be in attendance throughout the hiring.

The HIRER will be responsible for any loss or damage to the premises and / or their contents and will indemnify the Trustees in respect thereof.

The HIRER will remove any items brought onto the premises immediately at the end of the hire period

The HIRER will leave the premises clean and tidy, and remove and correctly dispose of all rubbish away from the premises

The Trustees accept no responsibility for loss or damage to any property brought on to the premises or for any consequential loss.
Unless caused by their negligence, the Trustees accept no liability for death, bodily injury or illness.

The Trustees will use their best endeavours to make the premises available to the Hirer as booked but in the event that they are not available due to circumstances beyond the control of the Trustees their liability will be limited to the refund of any monies already paid.

If the Event involves Licensable Activities under the Licensing Act 2003 (public entertainment, music, dancing, performance of a stage play, supply of alcohol) the Responsible Person hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy the Licence conditions relating to the Activity(ies) and confirms his/her agreement to ensure those Conditions are observed throughout the period of the hiring. If the booking includes a request for a licence to supply alcohol, the HIRER understands that this is subject to the consent of the Designated Premises Supervisor under the Licensing Act 2003. Further conditions are contained in the attached INFORMATION FOR HIRERS document and the booking is also subject to those conditions.

Information For Hirers

Please ensure that the person in charge of your event, as named on the booking form, is aware of and responsible for the following:

Health & Safety

The Management Committee use their best endeavours to make the premises as safe as possible, but they cannot be responsible for the consequences of hazards introduced by hirers. It is the responsibility of the hirer to prepare a risk assessment in relation to their use of the premises, and to comply with all Health and Safety notices displayed around the building. Copies of the Fire Risk Assessment and Health and Safety Policy relating to the premises are available on request from the Bookings Secretary.

Fire Precautions

The fire hose is in the passage behind the stage. There is a fire extinguisher in the foyer and a powder extinguisher and a fire blanket in the kitchen. Please note that the Fire Brigade should be called to any outbreaks of fire, however slight. There is a public telephone in the High Street and near the bus terminus.

Licensing Act 2003

The Premises Licence regulates the Licensable Activities of Public Entertainment, Music, Dancing, Performance of Stage Plays and Supply of Alcohol. Strict conditions apply to the Licence and Hirers are responsible to ensure that these are observed. All hirers are provided with a copy of the conditions if their use of the premises includes Licensable Activities. Please see the specific notes below in relation to the supply of alcohol.

Supply of alcohol

The Premises Licence includes authority for the sale of alcohol and it is no longer necessary for hirers to apply for a licence to the Licensing Authority. However, the licence conditions require the Management Committee to approve in advance all applications to supply alcohol to the public. This applies to all situations where alcohol is supplied, including the “giving” of drinks in exchange for a purchased voucher or snack, or the inclusion of “free” drinks in the price of a ticket for an open event. The ONLY exceptions are that a host may offer alcohol free of charge to guests at a private function without a licence, and events where the organisers have specified a “bring your own” arrangement.

Fly posting

Please be aware that the display of advertising notices outdoors requires both planning consent from Harrogate Borough Council, and the permission of the Highway Authority. The Management Committee do not condone fly posting and will not accept responsibility for the consequences.

Electrical equipment etc.

All small appliances belonging to the hall have been tested in accordance with regulations. The Hall Committee cannot accept responsibility for electrical equipment brought onto the premises by Hirers or other users of the Hall. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that any electrical appliances that they bring into the Hall are safe and used in a safe manner and comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and are covered by their own insurance. Minimum requirement is that they are PAT tested.

Hall heating

Six new radiators have been installed in the main hall. The new radiators are fitted with thermostatic valves. If you need to regulate the temperature please use these values but as you leave the Hall please remember to restore the settings to the original numbers.

Light switches

Light Switches are located on the stage, to the left when facing the main hall. They are numbered and labelled. No alterations to the stage lighting should be carried out without permission of the committee.

Car parking

Please do not park on the pavement, or obstruct the road. If you need to unload equipment please move your vehicle afterwards. There is a Car Park at Southlands, just two minutes’ walk away from the Hall, and parking is free after 6.00pm.


The Hall is run on a voluntary basis and maintenance costs do not allow us to employ a full time caretaker, It would therefore be appreciated if Hirers would make sure they leave the Hall in clean condition by sweeping up after their event, removing any rubbish away from the building, washing up crockery and cutlery, and generally leaving the premises as you would wish to find them. If extraordinary cleaning is required after your event, we regret an extra charge will be made. Please ensure that the Hall is securely locked after your event and the keys returned.


Again, as all our paperwork is attended to on a voluntary basis, please help us by ensuring that your Treasurer, or person responsible for payment, is given a copy of the booking form and that payment is made promptly. The amount due will be as shown on the form unless any changes to your requirements have been made. If you are in any doubt, please ask. Any other paperwork necessary should also be returned at the same time in order to keep our costs to the minimum.

No smoking

Please be aware that the Memorial Hall operates a No Smoking Policy both within and on the grounds of its premises, at all times.